Lecture and meditation / 27.7.2018.
Lecture and meditation / 27.7.2018.

Lecture and meditation / 27.7.2018.


The lecture at this year’s High Grounds festival is dedicated to Earthguards, shamans, healers. To be the Earth’s Guardian means to be in harmony with Mother Earth and its entire creation: minerals, plants, animals, humans … It also means living according to the cycles of nature and the heartbeat of Mother Earth, respecting all Life. Earth watchers live the consciousness of Unity recognizing the interaction of the various vibrations we are surrounded – to see the “invisible”!


Mystery of the Heart

On the first day of the festival, the night sky will honor us with the darkness of the moon, so we will align with those frequencies. This eclipse opens the manifestation of co-operation, the transformation of fears into love, the acceptance of oneself and others such as the opening of new ways and new possibilities. Special emphasis will be given to releasing emotions, healing, gratitude and finding new life streams. The agitation begins at 19:22 and will be aligned with it through the meditation of the “Mystery of the Heart” at a location that was an important energy place for many shaman rituals of healing from prehistory.

Guest lecturer and meditation leader: Vesna Šantak

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